Register for a Free Trial of Reading Eggs

Register for a Free Trial of Reading Eggs

About Study Island

Study Island is a flagship branch of Archipelago Learning, which is a leading company in the industry of learning and education. It provides all levels of education strictly following the specific state standards, it aims the students from kindergarten to 12th grade with the subjects including math, reading, writing, science and social studies.

About the free trial of reading eggs

A reading egg makes learning more interesting and engaging for kids with adding the convenience of parents. By help kids learn through readings, reading eggs will take kids' ability of learning to a new level during repeatable and interactive activities.

It provides a literacy program for early kids aged from per-kindergarten to grade 2. By using a systematic program in 5 aspects, kids could reinforce their learning ability in reading, awarding, phonics, fluency and vocabulary. It works as a compensation for classroom instruction by leading kids with interactive animations, fun games, songs and rewards.

How to Register for a Free Trial of Reading Eggs as a Parent?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A computer with internet access.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Visit the website of study island at www.studyisland.com, choose "Pre-K" under the drop-down menu labeled "Products & Pricing".
  2. Click on the link labeled "www.studyisland.com/readingeggs" at the bottom of the page.
  3. Choose "parents" section and one will enter the application of a free trial. Enter your name, email address, state, phone number and email address, then continue into next step.
  4. Create your own password and confirm your personal information, then click "Get my free trial now" to start a 14-day free trial.
  5. For further instruction about how to use the reading eggs, refer to ABC reading eggs terms of use: readingeggs.com.au/terms_of_use


Reading egg is a highly motivated program for kids under education, led by fun interactive activities set up such as reading with sounds, fun games, kids easily accept knowledge from outside school.

(4.6, 326 Votes)