Find the Postcode for a UK Address

Find the Postcode for a UK Address

About Royal Mail

Royal Mail is a state-owned company in the United Kingdom providing postal services to private individuals, companies and communities across the nation. With 11,820 Post Office branches, Royal Mail handles up to 62 million items every working day.

About the Royal Mail Postcode Finder

The Royal Mail Postcode Finder is an online service that helps customers find the postcode for any UK address at the Royal Mail website. You don't have to register at the website, just provide as much of your address information as possible, and then the Postcode Finder will offer you the correct postcode for your address in seconds.

The Royal Mail Postcode Finder is the easiest way to find the postcode for a UK address. It is very convenient and can save you much time and energy. And, it is free.

How to Find the Postcode for a UK Address with the Help of Royal Mail?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A computer with internet access.
  2. Your address information.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to the Royal Mail Postcode Finder website at: http://www.royalmail.com/postcodes4free, and select the Postcode Finder tab at the top of the page.
  2. Enter as much of the address information as you know into the boxes, e.g. the building number, building names, street and town, click on the button marked "Find postcode", and then you will be shown a list of any addresses that match your search.
  3. If you would like to search by using a flat number or business name, you can also click the "Detailed search" link below to find the postcode for your address.
  4. If your search is unsuccessful, refer to the "Need Help?" section at the bottom of the page and click on the "Get Help Searching" link at: http://www2.royalmail.com/your-questions-answered#1 to help you solve problems.


If you need to find a postcode for a UK address, the Royal Mail Postcode Finder is no doubt a best helper.

(4.6, 362 Votes)