Online Service
Create Free Homepage at Genealogy.com

Create Free Homepage at Genealogy.com

About Ancestry.com

Ancestry.com, which operates the Genealogy.com, was founded in 1983. With the purpose of helping people who want to explore their root and are interested in discovering, preserving and sharing their family history, the company offers a wide array of genealogical related online services. Besides Genealogy.com, it has other products such as MyFamily.com, ProGenealogists, Rootsweb.com, and owns Fold3.com. It's now the world’s largest online community for family histories with more than 10 billion records and 38 million family trees.

About the Free Homepage at Genealogy.com

Sharing trees, photos, files, and lists of your favorite Web sites with friends and family alike are things you can do by creating a free homepage at Genealogy.com. It's a way to share your family history with others. Joining as part of the World Family Tree, you'll easily find your distant cousins and will be able to build entire new branches of your family. Besides, your information will be carefully protected.

Safe and easy, creating a homepage at Genealogy.com allows you to manage your family history "account" once you've found some connections to your ancestors. Sometimes you may be able to find people who have ancestors in common with you or know more about your family's region, so that you’ll discover more about your family.

How Can You Create Your Own Free Homepage at Genealogy.com?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A computer with internet access.
  2. You need to have an email address.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to the Genealogy.com homepage at: http://www.genealogy.com/.
  2. There are 6 options in the drop-down menu of "MY GENEALOGY.COM". Choose "My Home Page: Genealogy.com" by clicking on it.
  3. Then you will see some words with underline, click on "Create Your Own FREE Home Page".
  4. Finish the registration form by entering your information into the required field and click on "Continue".
  5. Give your own homepage a good title, briefly describe your page and then click on "Create Home Page Now". Then your home page will be successfully created.
  6. Go to the have you username and password sent to you at page:https://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/cgi-bin/getpass.cgi
  7. Each time you want to edit your home page, just use your username to log in.


Making a homepage is quite popular these days, but it can be different when sharing things not only about yourself but your family. Here at Genealogy.com, creating your own homepage and sharing your family tree is free.

(4.7, 226 Votes)