Sign up at Ask.com to Ask and Answer Questions

Sign up at Ask.com to Ask and Answer Questions

About Ask.com

Ask.com is a search engine which is based in the United States. It was founded in 1996 and its original software was implemented by Gary Chevsky from his own design. Three companies, Highland Capital Partners, Institutional Venture Partners, and the RODA Group were the early investors in Ask.com. It is now owned by InterActiveCorp.

About Ask.com Account

Ask.com encourages users to sign up for Ask.com accounts to check their question and answer history. After signing up, users can log in to their accounts, and then they can get access to all the questions and answers they have been involved with at ask.com.

By signing up for an Ask.com account, you can check all the questions you have raised and all answers you have given at Ask.com. What is more, it is simple, easy, fast and convenient to sign up for the account.

How can you sign up for an Ask.com account to see all the questions you have asked and answered?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A computer with internet access.
  2. You need to have a valid email address.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to the website of Ask.com at www.ask.com and then click on the button marked “Sign In”.
  2. Click on the button marked “Don’t have an account? Sign up”.
  3. Enter your email address into the required box, create a username and password for your account, re-type the password into the required box, type the words shown in the security image into the required box, and then click on the button marked “Continue”.
  4. Follow instructions to complete the sign up process.
  5. If you have any questions or problems, you can go to the help page at http://asksupport.custhelp.com/app/answers/list.


Ask.com is a helpful and useful website. Any question is welcome and there are millions of users to answer your questions. Don’t know something? Just go to Ask.com the find the answer or ask people.

(4.9, 295 Votes)