get an auto insurance quote from Industrial Alliance

get an auto insurance quote from Industrial Alliance

About Industrial Alliance

With over one hundred years in the industry, Industrial Alliance is one of Canada’s most trusted names in the insurance business. They offer just about every form of insurance imaginable, as well as financial management and group benefits services. Industrial Alliance is based in Quebec City, Quebec and serves about three million customers in Canada, though they have begun to branch out into the United States.

About getting an auto insurance quote from Industrial Alliance

Industrial Alliance provides an online automobile insurance quote service for visitors to their website. Using this service, a customer can quickly get an accurate quote on an insurance policy for his or her automobile. If you buy auto insurance, you can get a family discount on a home insurance policy. Other discounts may be available if you hold other policies, like life insurance from Industrial Insurance.

Getting a quote on automobile insurance from Industrial Alliance is easy and convenient when you use their online auto insurance quote service. Instead of having to call or visit their offices during business hours to get the information you want, you can just visit their website and get everything you need on your own at any time you like.

How can you get an auto insurance quote from Industrial Alliance?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A computer with internet access.
  2. Information about the automobile that you want to insure: year, make, model, date of purchase and so on.
  3. You must be a resident of Canada.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to the Industrial Alliance website at: www.inalco.com, and click on the link marked, “Online Auto Insurance Quote.”
  2. Click on the button marked, “Begin,” in the box that is labeled, “Get a quote.”
  3. Enter your postal code and date from which you would like your auto insurance to begin. Then enter information about your car (year, make, model, date of purchase, condition, whether or not it is leased, mileage, average mileage per year, and so on) into the required fields. Next, click on the button marked “Next.”
  4. Enter your contact information into the required fields as directed and then continue with the process.
  5. Enter information about the driver of the automobile (this may be you) as directed and then continue with the process.
  6. Review the results of your auto insurance quote. At this point, you may purchase a policy for this price, if you want.
  7. If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact Industrial Alliance through their online contact page at: www.industrielleallianceauto.com/en/good-service-insurance/online-services/email-us.html.


If you are a Canadian looking to buy auto insurance for your vehicle, you might want to save yourself some time and use Industrial Alliance’s online auto insurance quote service. It’s easy to do and you can get your quote right away.

(4.8, 227 Votes)